Friday, March 27, 2015

Race and Elitism: Realities of a School Swap

After our last blog post addressing the socio-economic realities of a swap between LaVerendrye School and Earl Grey School, in response to a Maclean's magazine article, a dedicated Earl Grey parent posted this insight on social media that needs to be shared:

I was thinking last night about the whole "Race and poverty have nothing to do with it" tweet that was circulating. I would disagree. I think that race and poverty do have something to do with this. Stereotypically I don't think painting EG with a "poor dumb folks" brush is fair, but there's more to it than meets the eye.

One issue that I think we can all agree on is that WSD has been managing the situation of overcrowding poorly. However, with WSD the squeaky wheel gets the grease, right? Isn't that how all bureaucracies work? Who was the squeaky wheel in the situation of overcrowding and the potential "swap"? Those that know how to advocate for themselves, work the system, and challenge the authority are going to get the attention they demand. That those that feel something is owed to them are the ones who get what they want at the expense of others?

Does a single woman, recently from South Sudan with a grade 8 education have the same awareness and ability to exercise her rights here in Winnipeg as compared to a white man with a partner, English as a first language, lived in Canada all his life, with a Master's degree? It has already been identified that EG community has a higher percentage of single parent families, EAL families, Aboriginal students, parents who have not achieved higher education. Does a single parent have the same ability to show up at a meeting as compared to the adult in a two parent home? Does a person with English as a second language have the same accessibility to the survey as a person who's first language is English? Write an articulate letter to the board? Speak up at a town hall meeting? The problem doesn't lie with those who cannot access the same level of advocacy. The system where the "squeaky wheel gets the grease" that essentially works for the benefit of the more affluent, more demanding, more articulate, those with an elitist attitude is the problem. This has to be addressed and has to be removed.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Not Just Brick's and Mortar, It is Socio-Economics as Well

Part of the argument proponents of a school swap between LaVerendrye and Earl Grey School's are putting forward is that these buildings that house our schools are merely bricks and mortar and if Earl Grey School moves to the LaVerendrye site, we will adapt nicely in our new surroundings and continue to do well.

Unfortunately, this ignores many realities of a swap which are that in the process Earl Grey School would lose our Jr. High programming, as well as being taken well over a half of a kilometre away from access to the Earl Grey Children's Center and the Earl Grey Community Center.

Why is this problematic? Part of the reason is because of the demographics of our school and the socio-economic realities that Earl Grey families and students face. A recent article in Maclean's magazine titles 'Just say ‘non’: The problem with French immersion' did an excellent job of tackling the issue, in a round-a-bout way. One part of the article focusing on the issue facing Earl Grey is as follows:

“Earl Grey, demographically, is poor,” Wasyliw says, adding it has a lot of students from single-parent families and a high Aboriginal population. It houses a nursery, and there is a community centre next door for at-risk youth. “We move, we lose that proximity to the [community] centre,” says Darryl Balasko, the parent advisory council chair at Earl Grey.

Now, some at the Earl Grey, understandably, wish the school had not been categorized as poor. We have a diverse range of students. However, the fact is that many of Earl Grey's students face challenges and hardships more so than we see occurring in the more affluent French-immersion, or in this case French Milieu schools like LaVerendrye, which have become, according to the article, more elite schools for wealthier children and families.

According to the Winnipeg School Division, 40 percent of students at Earl Grey School come from single parent families. Furthermore, 24.6 percent students were BELOW the low income cut off. Aboriginal families make up 19.6 percent of the population, and could be as high as 35 percent when Aboriginal students living with non-Aboriginal families are factored in. Additionally, Earl Grey is home to a 18.5 percent immigrants from a range of countries.

The truth is, based on Winnipeg School Division's OWN FINDINGS, Earl Grey School has a vulnerable student population, and they will be HIT THE HARDEST by a school swap. One swap advocate took exception to the Maclean's article arguing:

Unfortunately, she is wrong on both accounts. Race and poverty do play a role here, and as a result it is very much an "Us" vs "Them" situation. Moving at risk kids away from the Earl Grey Community Centre and it's lunchtime and afterschool programming is going to hit them hard. They will be left without the facilities that students and families have come to rely on to help them manage, and to keep kids in a safe, stable, productive environment.

Furthermore, Earl Grey families rely on the Earl Grey Children's Centre for it's programming. Unfortunately, EGCC is ONLY licensed for the Earl Grey School site. That means that it cannot transfer to LaVerendrye. That is going to hit these low income families who rely on this service the hardest, with no reasonable alternative given.

The argument has been that the schools are close together, so students can travel between the schools to take advantage of these services. No. The schools are well over a half a kilometre apart, which is substantial, especially in the harsh winter months. There are no plans for any transportation opportunities for students between the two locations, which means kids, especially low income and at risk kids are taken away from the programs built for them by the Earl Grey Community Centre to give them a better life.

Furthermore, with the loss of Jr. High, we would have families scrambling to try and find a Jr. High program for kids to go to, with, once again, no promise of transportation or acceptance. Once again, this will be hardest for vulnerable and low income families. Not to mention that studies show that students of all demographics perform far better in Jr. High grades when they are combined with a grade school as opposed to being part of a High School environment, or on their own. And that will be particularly hard for Earl Grey's already at risk kids.

These loses will be devastating to the Earl Grey School community. These programs took years, and often decades to develop to suit the needs of Earl Grey's demographics. A swap would destroy all those years of work overnight. And those who will pay the highest price are the at risk, low income, Aboriginal and immigrant children and families that make up a good percentage of Earl Grey's population.

This isn't just about bricks and mortar. This is about vulnerable people in our community and a system that has been built for them that would be completely torn apart in the case of a swap. This is why we must fight against a swap. This is why we must fight to protect Earl Grey School. Stop the swap.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Countering the Infographic: What Swap Proponents Aren't Getting.

Recently, a handy infographic was released by proponents of a swap between Earl Grey and LaVerendrye School. Once again, we are facing information that needs to be countered to get the true story of the reality of a swap. And, once again, we are faced with the frustration of proponents either not understanding the complexities of a swap and/or sweeping Earl Grey's genuine concerns about severe loses and potential problems under the carpet. Either way, it is a slap in the face of the people who will be greatly affected by a possible swap.

The infographic is as follows:

First off, kudos to the creator of this infographic on the quality. It is a beautiful infographic. However, it only delivers part of the story, as these kinds of infographics do. Now, it appears to illustrate that a swap makes sense. But, no, it doesn't. What it does do is illustrate that LaVerendrye has a big problem, but in no way does it argue that a swap is the best way to deal with it. The reality is, this is about far more than just space. 

What it doesn't take into account is that the population of Earl Grey School is actually growing. Yes, growing. This piece of propaganda in no way acknowledges that Earl Grey School is increasing in size and popularity, and part of that reason is the programs that we have, many of which are in jeopardy as the result of a swap. At the moment Earl Grey School provides a complete Early Childhood Education to Grade 8 package which is part of the school's appeal. Important lunch and after school programming is also provided by the adjacent community center. Impacting these programs will hit the vulnerable, at-risk, low-income and single parent families in our community the most. And, of course, the termination of grade 7 and 8, which is part of this proposal, takes a chunk of our community away from Early Grey. We have no clue where our 7 and 8 kids will go or how they will get there at this moment. 

As well, you can see the Early Childhood Education spots mentioned in the infographic (as daycare space). Well, there is a reason there are 4 rooms being dedicated to this. The program is so popular that there is a waiting list for it. So, those rooms are hardly going to waste. And, what would be detrimental to Earl Grey families is that the Earl Grey Early Childhood Education Centre is ONLY licensed for the Earl Grey site. It is not a transferable license and even if the Centre wanted to move, we do not know exactly how big of an investment will be needed by them to create space in the LaVerendrye School site. So, this is an important resource that Earl Grey is set to lose. 

And, although proponents of a swap want to show that Earl Grey and LaVerendrye are not that far apart, keep in mind that it is over a half of a kilometre and much of the school year is in winter. If we are put into a situation where kids from Early Childhood Education who also attend classes need to be transferred between schools, the only option we have been provided with at the moment is a "walking school bus". A walking school bus? Someone is going to walk a group of 5 year old's in the dead of winter over a half of a kilometre between schools? Is this really an option? And are Earl Grey kids supposed to walk to the community centre at lunch to take part in the lunch program, or walk there for the after school program, again in the dead of winter? Over half a kilometre is a substantial enough distance that it will cut off many kids from these vital programs and create severe headaches for Earl Grey families. 

Now, there is something else that is very concerning about this graphic. If LaVerendrye school is so small, why would we want a growing school in Earl Grey to be stuck into it where growth opportunities are curtailed? How is that good for not only the Earl Grey community but the community as a whole? Bottom line, it isn't. It's taking away the potential that Earl Grey School has, putting it in somewhat the same position that LaVerendrye is in at the moment. And, if LaVerendrye School is continuing to grow, as we are told, then how long before Earl Grey no longer suits their needs? This has been pointed out time and time again throughout different posts in this blog. With dedicated rooms for music, library, computers, and others, plus class size limits mandated by the government, how long before there are space issues at the Earl Grey site for LaVerendrye. Then what? 

Furthermore, in no way does this infographic suggest that there are other options that would not end in the complete dismantling of Earl Grey. Once again, it is reflective only of a small group of LaVerendrye families who are pushing for a full swap and refuse to look at any other option. The community at LaVerendrye is deeply divided on this issue, which needs pointing out. And the fact of the matter is, this is NOT the only option on the table, even though it is being portrayed as such. This is but one option and it just happens to be the most destructive one for our whole community. Why anyone would push for the option with the most amount to lose for a big chunk of our community is beyond me. 

This infographic does not mention that one of the other options put forth to solve this issue is to create a second French milieu school in William Osler School which is EMPTY. And, if, as we keep being told, French milieu schools are so popular that they are making a school like LaVerendrye burst at the seems, wouldn't it make more sense to open a second school to allow for true growth and development, especially when there are reports that some within LaVerendrye would like to develop a grade 7 and 8 program? 

Now, if the Winnipeg School Division determines that the school has extra space, there are many other options to fill it, including a dual track French/English program that will help alleviate some of the overcrowding issues at LaVerendrye. We are aware that there are some LaVerendrye parents who think it is a good idea and would love to be part of. It is not as if Earl Grey families are completely inflexible here. We are open to many ideas, but we are against the one that will tear our school and our community apart.

In no way is it unreasonable to oppose a deal that is bad for our school and our community. There are other options. Focusing completely on a school swap as the answer is short sighted at best, and is causing frustration and division between not only Earl Grey and LaVerendrye school's but, increasingly, tension and division within LaVerendrye School. We are already suffering consequences from this swap, and it is only in the proposal stage. Imagine the division that would be created if this actually went through. No, in the end, a swap is the worst option overall for the greater community and the Earl Grey and LaVerendrye communities themselves despite how beautifully created this infographic is. 

Dispelling the Myth of a "School Swap" Precedent

There have been a number of frustrating aspects to the campaign in favour of a school swap between LaVerendrye School and Earl Grey School. Having to overcome false information, like claims to how many students Earl Grey School can hold, have been a tremendous challenge. Another is the sheer lack of respect shown by some of the proponents of the swap, which is becoming clear is NOT everyone at LaVerendrye, especially when it comes to understanding of just how much this swap will truly effect Earl Grey School. They have tried very hard to downplay our very real concerns and worse, very real loses and it is only adding to the division felt in the community as a whole between the two schools. 

A recent post on their blog illustrates the kind of misinformation we have to fight against in our quest to have the right thing done, which is to stop this swap. In it, proponents of the swap argue that a swap has been done successfully in the Louis Riel School division between Ecole Marie Anne Gaboury and Hastings School. Well, it wasn't exactly successful in the sense that even it divided the community, and that was a switch with even less impact for both schools involved. 

The fact is, both Ecole Marie Anne Gaboury and Hasting School's shared the same property. It was just a matter of crossing a field. Also, the child care facilities in both schools were run by the same company. In this case, you did have a genuine swap, and even this was extremely divisive as outlined in several news articles, like this one

In the case of Earl Grey and LaVerendrye schools, we do not share a property. In fact, it is a sizeable enough distance between the two schools to cause substantial headaches for Earl Grey students and families. Also, the Earl Grey Children's Centre is ONLY licensed for the current Earl Grey site, where as the other two schools has child care facilities run by the same company. On top of that, Earl Grey School's connection with the adjacent community centre, which also holds Dante Day Nursery, will be broken and that doesn't appear to be a factor in the other swap. Kids rely on the community center for lunch and after school programming and being removed from the site will make it a challenge, if not impossible, to access this resource. And then, of course, is the fact that a move will mean that Earl Grey School will lose it's grade 7 and 8 programs. 

Comparing the Ecole Marie Anne Gaboury and Hastings School swap with what would happen to Earl Grey in the case of a swap with LaVerendrye School is like comparing apples to school buses. They are not remotely the same. In fact even calling what would happen between Earl Grey and LaVerendrye as a swap is misleading because, as illustrated above, it is more of a dismantling of Earl Grey than a swap. 

So, claims that there is a successful precedent that was smooth and peachy keen is disingenuous and ignores the realities of what will happen between Earl Grey and LaVerendrye. It is a slap in the face of concerned Earl Grey families who know the truth about what we have to lose, and don't appreciate these concerns being down played, or having misinformation spread about them. If a swap is going to be made, it must be made with all of the facts laid bare. And in this case, the fact is, this "swap" is nothing like the Ecole Marie Anne Gaboury and Hasting School swap in many ways. Trying to draw a parallel is grasping for straws at best. And this is why we must continue to fight to stop the swap 

Amazing Turnout for Earl Grey School's "Stop the Swap" Rally

Wow. That's the best way to describe the turnout for Earl Grey School's rally to Stop the Swap, held Saturday, March 14th. The turnout was just incredible, with at least 100 showing up to passionately voice their concerns about a swap with LaVeredrye that would end in the dismantling of Earl Grey School.

What the event showed is just how tight the Earl Grey community is, and how well we all get along and work together. Kids from all grade levels showed up with signs expressing their displeasure of the idea of a swap, and it was great to see so many civic minded youth standing up for their views. It's clear that Earl Grey has produced caring, intelligent and passionate kids who have a great understanding of the world around them and they did our community proud.

It was nice to see media show up and allow us to provide accurate information to the public about our concerns and the realities of a swap. It was greatly appreciated. And the many parents that were interviewed represented our school well.

All in all, it was a giant success that hopefully leads Earl Grey School one step closer to stopping the swap.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Pre-#StoptheSwap Rally Poster Making Day!

A proud Earl Grey parent making a sign for our big Stop the Swap Rally, happening Saturday, March 14th at 1pm at Earl Grey School! Looking forward to a big turnout. 

The kids were very passionate in their sign making and expressed well how much they love their school and don't want to see it destroyed.

It was nice to see so many kids in the Earl Grey School community so eager to fight for their school. It should be a fun rally on Saturday. Lot's of colourful signs. Lot's of passion. Lot's of hope!

We got a good collection of signs to hold up at Saturday's rally to stop the swap. Nice work everyone. 

Public Flyer: Stop the Swap: Save Earl Grey School!