Monday, March 16, 2015

Countering the Infographic: What Swap Proponents Aren't Getting.

Recently, a handy infographic was released by proponents of a swap between Earl Grey and LaVerendrye School. Once again, we are facing information that needs to be countered to get the true story of the reality of a swap. And, once again, we are faced with the frustration of proponents either not understanding the complexities of a swap and/or sweeping Earl Grey's genuine concerns about severe loses and potential problems under the carpet. Either way, it is a slap in the face of the people who will be greatly affected by a possible swap.

The infographic is as follows:

First off, kudos to the creator of this infographic on the quality. It is a beautiful infographic. However, it only delivers part of the story, as these kinds of infographics do. Now, it appears to illustrate that a swap makes sense. But, no, it doesn't. What it does do is illustrate that LaVerendrye has a big problem, but in no way does it argue that a swap is the best way to deal with it. The reality is, this is about far more than just space. 

What it doesn't take into account is that the population of Earl Grey School is actually growing. Yes, growing. This piece of propaganda in no way acknowledges that Earl Grey School is increasing in size and popularity, and part of that reason is the programs that we have, many of which are in jeopardy as the result of a swap. At the moment Earl Grey School provides a complete Early Childhood Education to Grade 8 package which is part of the school's appeal. Important lunch and after school programming is also provided by the adjacent community center. Impacting these programs will hit the vulnerable, at-risk, low-income and single parent families in our community the most. And, of course, the termination of grade 7 and 8, which is part of this proposal, takes a chunk of our community away from Early Grey. We have no clue where our 7 and 8 kids will go or how they will get there at this moment. 

As well, you can see the Early Childhood Education spots mentioned in the infographic (as daycare space). Well, there is a reason there are 4 rooms being dedicated to this. The program is so popular that there is a waiting list for it. So, those rooms are hardly going to waste. And, what would be detrimental to Earl Grey families is that the Earl Grey Early Childhood Education Centre is ONLY licensed for the Earl Grey site. It is not a transferable license and even if the Centre wanted to move, we do not know exactly how big of an investment will be needed by them to create space in the LaVerendrye School site. So, this is an important resource that Earl Grey is set to lose. 

And, although proponents of a swap want to show that Earl Grey and LaVerendrye are not that far apart, keep in mind that it is over a half of a kilometre and much of the school year is in winter. If we are put into a situation where kids from Early Childhood Education who also attend classes need to be transferred between schools, the only option we have been provided with at the moment is a "walking school bus". A walking school bus? Someone is going to walk a group of 5 year old's in the dead of winter over a half of a kilometre between schools? Is this really an option? And are Earl Grey kids supposed to walk to the community centre at lunch to take part in the lunch program, or walk there for the after school program, again in the dead of winter? Over half a kilometre is a substantial enough distance that it will cut off many kids from these vital programs and create severe headaches for Earl Grey families. 

Now, there is something else that is very concerning about this graphic. If LaVerendrye school is so small, why would we want a growing school in Earl Grey to be stuck into it where growth opportunities are curtailed? How is that good for not only the Earl Grey community but the community as a whole? Bottom line, it isn't. It's taking away the potential that Earl Grey School has, putting it in somewhat the same position that LaVerendrye is in at the moment. And, if LaVerendrye School is continuing to grow, as we are told, then how long before Earl Grey no longer suits their needs? This has been pointed out time and time again throughout different posts in this blog. With dedicated rooms for music, library, computers, and others, plus class size limits mandated by the government, how long before there are space issues at the Earl Grey site for LaVerendrye. Then what? 

Furthermore, in no way does this infographic suggest that there are other options that would not end in the complete dismantling of Earl Grey. Once again, it is reflective only of a small group of LaVerendrye families who are pushing for a full swap and refuse to look at any other option. The community at LaVerendrye is deeply divided on this issue, which needs pointing out. And the fact of the matter is, this is NOT the only option on the table, even though it is being portrayed as such. This is but one option and it just happens to be the most destructive one for our whole community. Why anyone would push for the option with the most amount to lose for a big chunk of our community is beyond me. 

This infographic does not mention that one of the other options put forth to solve this issue is to create a second French milieu school in William Osler School which is EMPTY. And, if, as we keep being told, French milieu schools are so popular that they are making a school like LaVerendrye burst at the seems, wouldn't it make more sense to open a second school to allow for true growth and development, especially when there are reports that some within LaVerendrye would like to develop a grade 7 and 8 program? 

Now, if the Winnipeg School Division determines that the school has extra space, there are many other options to fill it, including a dual track French/English program that will help alleviate some of the overcrowding issues at LaVerendrye. We are aware that there are some LaVerendrye parents who think it is a good idea and would love to be part of. It is not as if Earl Grey families are completely inflexible here. We are open to many ideas, but we are against the one that will tear our school and our community apart.

In no way is it unreasonable to oppose a deal that is bad for our school and our community. There are other options. Focusing completely on a school swap as the answer is short sighted at best, and is causing frustration and division between not only Earl Grey and LaVerendrye school's but, increasingly, tension and division within LaVerendrye School. We are already suffering consequences from this swap, and it is only in the proposal stage. Imagine the division that would be created if this actually went through. No, in the end, a swap is the worst option overall for the greater community and the Earl Grey and LaVerendrye communities themselves despite how beautifully created this infographic is. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The infographic doesn't include the daycare. If you switch schools and student numbers, they are more even floating around 200 sq ft per child (which is currently 25% more than what children at Gladstone school have). All information in the infographic is based on facts and comes from WSD data, and is unbiased.

    But I'm pretty sure, you will delete this, since facts aren't something you actually want.

    1. I will relook it over. However, a bulk of the blog is actually posting about how this is far more than just a space issue and that in the end Earl Grey School gets dismantled in this process. If it is deemed that we have a good amount of space that can be utilized there are other ways of doing this without completely destroying Earl Grey School, including the addition of a French immersion program which would help alleviate the problems at LaVerendrye and keep Earl Grey intact.

    2. I mean, we are quite aware that there is a group of parents at LaV who are dedicated ONLY to getting their hands on Earl Grey School. Fortunately, it is not everyone at LaV. I think the single minded obsession is based only on numbers which we at Earl Grey have issues with, and ignore so many other factors about why Earl Grey School is valuable and even vital as it stands right now. The point is that space is a small part of this argument and even it is up for some amount of debate.

    3. Is the sqr foot comparison taking into account hall space, bathroom space, gym space? Is it suggesting that there should be kids being taught classes in this extra space ? If you take 80539/by 27 classes this would mean each classroom would be almost 3000 sqr feet. I'm sure this is not the case. Comparison can not be done on sqr footage when it is not classroom space. That is part of the reason this infograph gives incorrect information. For other reasons, please see my comments below. Thx

  4. To anonymous March 19,2015. At least our blog allows comments. Have wanted to post on yours a few times but it doesn't allow for a discussion. Says a lot about the mindset.

  5. To anonymous March 24, 2015. I don't have a blog and you know nothing about my mindset. You really need to be more careful with your generalizations. From Anonymous March 19, 2015.

  6. This infograph paints an incorrect picture. For 1 people have commented that there are 33 rooms in earl grey based on this which is not correct. The 5 daycare rooms are part of the 27 rooms we have. Not 28. Nursery & kinder are only 1 room being counted as 2. The LaV blog says that WSD is not considering their daycare & library as rooms which would then give earl grey 21 rooms. The infograph does not take into account the different class requirements for the wide variety of programs in earl grey.

  7. The Alternative program, regular program LCA programs & Jr High programs all have different room requirements. This infograph does not take into account that more rooms are required for Jr High that LaV does not have, therefore it is not comparing apples to apples.

  8. The infograph also uses an inflated # of enrollment for LaV
